We have the tools you need to play the game.

Research companies in your target area. OneSource offers in-depth profiles, corporate financials, executive listings and biographies, news and analyst reports on companies around the world.
Career Links provides you with Internet hyperlinks to information that has proven useful to others in our programs. You’ll find career sites, fields of interest, publications, professional organizations, regional resources, and more.
Work independently or with your consultant using the online Career Workbook. You will find comprehensive information to guide you through the job search process.
My Daybook is your virtual briefcase application that helps you manage your calendar, contact lists, tasks, email and document sharing.
The Networking section allows you to contact other CPI career transition candidates and alumni. Use this section to create a profile that can be viewed by others on the system and to look up and communicate with others who can help you with your job search.
The ResumeBuilder section allows you to work independently or in conjunction with your consultant to develop a winning resume that produces results.
Find 4+ million job listings from job boards, newspaper classifieds and company Web sites for job seekers in one convenient location.
To learn more about our services, please contact us today:
110 Oakwood Dr., Suite 550
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Toll free: 1-800-632-0360; Local: 336-777-0250
Email us through our Contact Form